Why we are making this offer.
We know how much we have benefited in our lives from what the horses have taught us. Neither of us would be offering what we do for work if the horses hadn't helped us to overcome some of our fears and 'just do it'.
The simple answer to why we are putting this offer forward is that we are passionate about what we are offering people in our work; that it offers an alternative to the mainstream work with horses and with people.
We have a simple desire to reach more people to offer them the lessons that we ourselves have learnt from the horses. To do this we need to simplify our lives so as to release both time and capital and to reduce our debt to enable us to move forward and develop our business.
We travel, offering workshops, trainings and individual sessions in Europe for 4-5 months every year. We also promote North River as a place to come to, where there is an opportunity to intensively learn.
The North River property is very integral to the learning opportunity. With its calm, peaceful and quiet atmosphere and at times the wild and untamed natural beauty of the river and bush; the place brings one back to oneself.
We have found that there is a real benefit for our clients to have the choice of staying on the property and to totally immerse themselves in property with the horses. For us it is an important place to come back to after our usually very hectic European schedule, for a chance to recharge the batteries before the New Zealand season begins.
This offer is really just a formal way to continue what we have already been doing in an informal and unknowing way for many years anyway. Over the years many people have already become involved in the North River Community with us, the horses and the property to help create what it is today and without those people and their input this place would indeed be very different. There has been an abundance of social exchange and to be honest, for us, this has been the most valuable and the most rewarding part of what we do here. These people have become involved for a reason, a season and even a lifetime, with the ripples of the social exchange speading out into the wider community and around the world.
As a result of all our interaction over the years we have realised that we do not need to own the land; all we need is a long term security of being able to use the land. We want to share it.
Another realisation is that we can not do this all on our own as we do not have the time, the capital and the energy. Along with this we realised that in order to be able to continue with our vision we need support from like minded people.
So we have set out to find some others to share the journey of the property with and further develop what happens here.
If you are interested or for that matter know someone who would be interested in sharing this vision and this journey please read on.
The simple answer to why we are putting this offer forward is that we are passionate about what we are offering people in our work; that it offers an alternative to the mainstream work with horses and with people.
We have a simple desire to reach more people to offer them the lessons that we ourselves have learnt from the horses. To do this we need to simplify our lives so as to release both time and capital and to reduce our debt to enable us to move forward and develop our business.
We travel, offering workshops, trainings and individual sessions in Europe for 4-5 months every year. We also promote North River as a place to come to, where there is an opportunity to intensively learn.
The North River property is very integral to the learning opportunity. With its calm, peaceful and quiet atmosphere and at times the wild and untamed natural beauty of the river and bush; the place brings one back to oneself.
We have found that there is a real benefit for our clients to have the choice of staying on the property and to totally immerse themselves in property with the horses. For us it is an important place to come back to after our usually very hectic European schedule, for a chance to recharge the batteries before the New Zealand season begins.
This offer is really just a formal way to continue what we have already been doing in an informal and unknowing way for many years anyway. Over the years many people have already become involved in the North River Community with us, the horses and the property to help create what it is today and without those people and their input this place would indeed be very different. There has been an abundance of social exchange and to be honest, for us, this has been the most valuable and the most rewarding part of what we do here. These people have become involved for a reason, a season and even a lifetime, with the ripples of the social exchange speading out into the wider community and around the world.
As a result of all our interaction over the years we have realised that we do not need to own the land; all we need is a long term security of being able to use the land. We want to share it.
Another realisation is that we can not do this all on our own as we do not have the time, the capital and the energy. Along with this we realised that in order to be able to continue with our vision we need support from like minded people.
So we have set out to find some others to share the journey of the property with and further develop what happens here.
If you are interested or for that matter know someone who would be interested in sharing this vision and this journey please read on.