Become a Shareowner
Becoming a Shareowner in North River is one very tangible way of becoming involved, especially for members of the community that are isolated from the property by distance.
Being a shareowner would bring with it an involvement in the decision making process for the future development of the property, with financial, as well as social and environment returns on your investment.
Our aim would be to just own a one sixth interest in the land and the right to lease the land back from the company to continue what we are doing.
The Idea
Shareowners would buy shares in a company (North River Retreats Limited) that would then buy the 53 Hectare 'Bush Block' and the 8 Hectare 'Horse Block'.
An illustration of this idea is below:
Being a shareowner would bring with it an involvement in the decision making process for the future development of the property, with financial, as well as social and environment returns on your investment.
Our aim would be to just own a one sixth interest in the land and the right to lease the land back from the company to continue what we are doing.
The Idea
Shareowners would buy shares in a company (North River Retreats Limited) that would then buy the 53 Hectare 'Bush Block' and the 8 Hectare 'Horse Block'.
An illustration of this idea is below:
Although it is invisaged as being divided into one sixth shares as an easier way to manage decisions, this does not have to limit the the number of shareowners, as each share could have a number of smaller shareowners bundled into one share, with one representative of the group involved in the decision making process.
After the initial investment of into the ownership of the land a further investment would be required for the building of accommodation, the typr, style and cost to be decided between the shareowners.
Benefits of being a Shareowner
Price range $100 - $250 per night in the area for 2 persons with an extra $10-$30 per person.
Many have minimum 2 night stay policy.
Property Expenditure
After the initial investment of into the ownership of the land a further investment would be required for the building of accommodation, the typr, style and cost to be decided between the shareowners.
Benefits of being a Shareowner
- Free holiday
accommodation each year. (related to level of shares and dependent on NZ Fringe Benefit Tax Laws).
- Income from accommodation for Humanship Services Limited guests (already turning away longer term guests because of a lack of suitable accommodation) and possible casual holidaymakers.
- Income from land lease to Humanship Services Limited
- Potential to create an income stream from 'Bush Block' accommodation and other activities.
- Capital gains on property value. (if selling your share).
- Being part of a social community project
- Playing a part in protecting and preserving a native forest.
- Being part of something bigger that takes place on the property.
- Lease – Humanship Services Limited approx $3,000 per annum
- Accommodation $20,000 - $50,000 per annum
Price range $100 - $250 per night in the area for 2 persons with an extra $10-$30 per person.
Many have minimum 2 night stay policy.
- Income from other property uses and users e.g. Manuka Honey, bush camping, etc.
Property Expenditure
- Property Maintenance – Humanship Services Limited part of lease agreement.
- Accommodation – Land rates, Electricity, Internet (?), Garden & lawn care, Building repairs and maintenance, accountancy, advertising (?), house cleaning.